
Water rescue

12:13 PM, Station 19 Uhrichsville, Station 8 Warwick Township, Station 60 Smith Ambulance, Water rescue @ 8267 State Route 800 SE in Mill Township. Vehicle in high water. Hood is covered.

5 thoughts on “Water rescue

  1. People will never learn because they don’t listen !!! And they lack common sense !!

  2. Please have respect! I’m sure her family can read these comments! Please pray for the family i!!!

  3. Many prayers sent to her family and friends! I am so sorry for your loss! May God watch over you all and help you through this horrible time!

  4. it was Mrs. Ash from Tippecanoe, Oh- prayers to her family, so sorry for their loss! I was told, she saw the car in front of her go through the water. So I assume she thought she could make it. Its sooooo sad that she was talking to 911 and they couldn’t get her car out in time to save her! Please everyone reading this- Do not try to go through high water- take the extra time to be safe and go another way to get where you are going!

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